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Responsibilities of the Officers


The election of officers shall be held in May of even numbered years at a duly called meeting with notice of such meeting and the purpose of the meeting being served on the membership not less than fifteen (15) days prior to the meeting. The elected officers shall be installed at the following meeting. Only members in good standing of this Chapter, from the preceding twelve (12) consecutive months (one (1) year) shall be eligible to run for office.  All members in good standing of the Chapter shall be eligible to vote in the election of officers. A member in good standing is defined as having signed an OSEA membership card and is currently paying OSEA membership dues.  Selection of officers shall be determined by those candidates for office that receive a majority of votes cast in the election for a given office. The election of officers shall be by secret ballot on forms provided to the membership. In the event no one (1) candidate receives a majority of votes, such candidates shall have a runoff election between the two (2) receiving the most votes cast for that office. 

The election of officers shall be conducted following a nominating committee report given prior to the May meeting. Nominations from the floor shall be appropriate prior to the closing of nominations.

The Chapter Secretary shall retain all ballots cast at the election of officers for one (1) year after such election. In the event of an uncontested election, no election shall be required. Uncontested candidates will assume office as if elected or re-elected. (OSEA Board Policy)


The elected officers shall be elected for two (2) year terms. Elected officers may succeed themselves.  The Oregon School Employees Association, per OSEA Board Policy, shall perform the installation.

In the event of the President position being vacated, the Vice President assumes the duties. The Executive Board shall appoint any vacancy other than that of the President.



Shall serve as the leader and advisor to the Chapter, appointing such committees as necessary and serve as chairperson of the executive committee, chair all meetings, be official spokesperson of the Chapter, and ex-officio member of all committees with the exception of the nominations committee, and such other duties as necessary. The President shall be a delegate to the Annual OSEA State Conference.

Vice President

Shall assume the duties of the President in his or her absence or when called upon by the chair to do so, and shall serve on the executive committee, act as Chairperson of the Government Relations Committee, and assume such other duties as required by the Chapter President.  The Vice President shall be a delegate to the Annual OSEA State Conference.


Shall maintain all correspondence, file and prepare minutes of Chapter meetings and executive committee meetings, answer all correspondence requiring answers, and report such action to the executive committee. Assist the President when needed. Make available to the membership and/or the building representatives information from Chapter meetings and agendas of future meetings.  The Secretary shall be a delegate to the Annual OSEA State Conference.


Shall maintain a record of all Chapter funds, deposit and cause funds to be drawn on the Chapter’s accounts as approved by the membership.  File all financial reporting documents as required by the state office. Maintain a membership list of active members, report such to the executive committee, serve on the Audit/Finance Committee and prepare annual budget and submit to the executive committee, distribute funds as directed by action of the general membership. All checks will require two (2) signatures, the signature of the Treasurer and President.  The Treasurer shall validate the membership of the members at the Chapter election, and other duties as may be required.  The Treasurer shall be a delegate to the Annual OSEA State Conference.

Executive Board Members

Attend all executive committee meetings and act as representative and spokesperson for their constituency group to the executive committee, and assume such other duties as required by the Chapter President.

All officers shall be responsible for maintaining an open line of communication between the Chapter and its members of the Association

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